Tina Fey Food GIFs {Mindless Monday}
I really think you should know that last week, I was totally going to get a handle on my life and my writing. No, I'm serious. I made a list of steps to take and everything. But then Thursday night we had an almost-tornado and then Friday night I needed tacos for dinner and the rest of the weekend was lost to appeasing food cravings and homework, and now we're here. And it's Monday and I don't have a good story to tell you.
So instead, I'll just summarize my food-craving escapades with Tina Fey GIFs. Oh, stop. No need to thank me.
I got a little overwhelmed Friday and destroyed all the easy-to-make food in our house before James was even home from work. Life is just a lot sometimes, you know? And the only way to cope is by eating all of the cookies.
So we went out to dinner, because when I get like that it's important I be allowed to eat my feelings. (In my defense I had already talked to my best friend and my mother and all the chocolate chip cookies at home about all the feels I was having, so it was time to seek the comfort of tacos and skillet cookies.)
As soon as we walked in to the PACKED waiting area, I realized we had made a terrible mistake: no reservations. A server who recognized us from our weekly brunch outings shouted, "Hey! The brunch guys!" and everyone turned to look at us like we were celebrities. (We are not celebrities, we're just always there.) I awkwardly made my way to the hostess station and tried to be smooth about it, but I knew, I knew we were sunk, because they were so busy. She tossed me a little wink and loudly said, "Oh, lovely to see you! I'll just, ah, check off your reservation and you can follow me right this way." And just like that, we were miraculously seated right away, like celebrities.* What can I say? People like us.**
*Still no, not celebrities.
** This is one of the reasons why we chat with our servers and let them know we respect them as people, not just bearers of food. We are careful never to be too demanding, and whenever we can afford it, we tip 30% if we know we're going to come back. We don't expect service like this, but we appreciate it when we get it, sort of how servers don't expect a 30% tip, but they appreciate it when they get it. I consider it good food karma coming back to us.
Saturday we went out for ramen at Two Ten Jack with our dear friend Janet and you know what? I totally understand why people wait in line for three hours to revel in the brothy goodness of their dishes. (It's so much more than that, though. We had three appetizers, two sushi rolls and two types of ramen and there wasn't a weak dish in the sampling. Yelp review coming soon.) I've been craving good ramen basically since we fled Brooklyn in the dark of night, so I'm almost certain our server (Drew Pate, who is the best server ever) was appalled by my table manners.
Bonus, the chef (Jess Benefield) at Two Ten Jack is on top of her social media game, and tweeted thank-you's to both James and myself. I give extra kudos to people so invested in their brand that they take the time to acknowledge their fans and patrons. She gets all the gold stars.
On Sunday, things took a turn for the sad. Our favorite brunch spot (same as Friday night's VIP pig-out) was closed due to a gas leak (everyone is safe, thank goodness) so we had to find another place to eat brunch. Except... I was craving, with every ounce of my being, their twice-baked loaded potato. And nowhere else in the area makes one just like it, and it ruined my whole everything. I had to settle for mediocre pancakes elsewhere, and I'm not even going to pretend I was a good sport about it. I didn't have a public meltdown, but it was touch and go for a minute there.
Sunday afternoon, I was overcome with a craving for mozzarella sticks, which are sorely under-represented in the greater Nashville area. We had to settle for Buffalo Wild Wings, which has prompted me to learn to make them for myself. Keep an eye on Pinterest, where I'll be organizing my research. (Disappointing food is the worst. Learning to make great food for yourself is rewarding. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something?)
Sunday night, our favorite place was open again! I finally got my twice-baked loaded potato, finished my homework on time and all was right in the world.
Your turn! Fess up! Which Tina Fey GIF best describes your weekend?