Country Mouse Confessions Mallory Viscardi James Viscardi

The Country Mouse

Cookbook hoarder. Recipe enthusiast. Voracious nibbler. Haver of small adventures. Kappa Delta Alumna. Country girl at heart. I do my own stunts.


I grew up in the wilds of Central New York (so far north that we don't even consider ourselvesUpstate. There are Adirondack mountains for that). I promise, you have likely not heard of my small town. 

I spent a decade snacking my way through the Big Apple, had the privilege of working with some of the finest in food entertainment at Food Network, then flew south to Nashville and stayed here. Hobbies include exploring the south one bite at a time with my husband, our daughter, and our two unruly rescue mutts. 

My cookbook collection is equal parts enviable and unruly.