The House Hunt
I'm hoping in the next couple weeks I'll be able to tell you guys about some fun new projects I'm working on (podcast, anyone?) and that James and I have found a house we can both agree on (HOAs are for whatever reason gun-shy about me putting a whole-hog barbecue pit / smokehouse in our backyard). In the meantime, play along from home with our house hunt drinking game!
Ready? Set...
Anytime I say the whole kitchen needs to be gutted and renovated, drink.
Anytime James panics because every single surface in the house is not 100% level, drink.
Anytime I complain about being able to touch the back fence and the back door at the same time because the lot is .11 acres, drink.
Anytime James wants to buy a house simply because it has vaulted ceilings, drink.
Anytime I want to buy a house simply because it has a sunroom, drink.
Anytime either of us use the word "McMansion," drink.
Anytime James vetoes a neighborhood because one of the neighbors has dandelions on his lawn, waterfall for a 5-count.
Anytime we both agree that we love the house, but there's nowhere to put my parents, waterfall for a 5-count.
Anytime we both agree that we love the house AND there's a place for my parents BUT there's a Civil War graveyard on or abutting the property, finish your drink.
What have you fine folks been up to this long, pollen-laden month?