Posts in The Reluctant Mother
What is 2 in 52?

2 in 52 is just going to be a celebration of that, the togetherness I'm building in my second year as a mom, and the way food acts as the glue. I'm sure the meaning of this project will change and grow with me as I change and grow as a person, a mother, and a cook. But right now, at the beginning, this is what I'm committing to: 2 in 52 is the food diary that's taking me from Mom to a 1 Year Old to Mom of a 2 Year Old. Our year, summed up in 52 dishes that fed us. They're the fence-posts between my baby becoming my toddler. They're the glue.

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Dear Nora: Peace, Love & Baby Giggles (Months 2-4)

Dear Nora: You haven't figure it out yet, but your Mama is sort of a hot mess. I wrote you a one-month letter and then I blinked and now it's today and you're four months old and all I have to show for it are 14 arm rolls (we count them almost daily) and four knee dimples and 47,823 photographs of you. 

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